3D object detection from arbitrary rigs of RGB-only cameras
Object detection from RGB camera rigs, which are a common occurance on autonomous vehicles
Object detection from RGB camera rigs, which are a common occurance on autonomous vehicles
Using cutting-edge NLP models to learn sentence completion on comments and then deploy them to complete phrases designed by moderators
Predict the sleep stage from EEG signals using a deep network of CNN+Transformers
Cycle-GAN based network to perform image translation with an additional content similarity loss
Compression directly on the temporal input using CNN based Autoencoders without frequency domain conversion
Collections of projects and assignments
A survey of few methods and some experiments which use Bayesian methods to study the uncertainties in deep networks
Distributed Structure-From-Motion software
Detecting cars from RGB input for self-driving applications.
3D reconstruction of plants from RGB images
A Bayesian Framework for joint removal of surgical smoke, specular highlights, and noise
Internship in the Alexa Multitasking team
Worked in the cloud team in the risk division